Happy Twelve Years Muggymoose!

I am coming up to my twelfth anniversary of Muggymoose.  Twelve years ago I landed in this fair city of Duluth and started working on all of your beautiful bodies!  I can hardly believe it.  

My previous life always had me switching jobs, changing my path, switching my plan.  I am a true Gemini living in a VATA realm and I  really can't help it.  We can't make up our minds, we always need change and we move quickly.  This is natural and fun and motivational for us!  From an Elementary Art teacher to a guide for the National Outdoor Leadership School to a Recreation Programmer and Naturalist for Hennepin Parks to an Educator at the Minnesota Zoo to the founder and owner of Muggymoose Adventure Foods, Culinary Delights for Outdoor Travel.....and then finally into the realm of my current path.  What is my current path?  Bodyworker, Thai Bodyworker, Partner and Thai Yoga Teacher, current student of Ayurvedic Yoga Specialist Program and then back to Thailand!  I will continue on and on and on, continuing to add hats and adding height to my current hats!  The possibilities are endless and I get to continue to learn throughout my life!  That is so exciting!  I thank all of you for supporting my work, coming to my classes and studio and allowing me in to your beautiful lives, each and every one of you.  I really am so thankful and feel so blessed by each client that comes through my door.  Thank you!

Recently it dawned on me that I have always explained to people what my work is like and what Thai Bodywork is like.  I was explaining what it feels like to me, how I interpret it.  I decided that it would most likely be more beneficial to hear from others what my work is like in their bodies, so I started to collect some quotes from others.  Here are some of them:

Carol Grams, water lover and golfer of Duluth on Thai Bodywork                                                                                          

"A Thai Bodywork session, for me, is a very luxurious blend of assisted yoga and massage.  I always leave feeling like everything is working better and in harmony.  During a Thai body work session I am always amazed and surprised how Margaret finds and helps me become aware of where my body is holding tension.  Always do at least a 90 minute session!!! If you do less you will regret it!!! A wonderful and beautiful way to honor your body, mind and spirit."


Leslie Semler, runner extraordinaire of Duluth on Thai Bodywork                                                                                                          

"I eagerly anticipate every Muggymoose Thai Yoga sessions for the benefits I feel in my muscles, joints, breathing, and mood while receiving and for days afterwards.  Margaret seems to be able to tune in to what my body needs and focus on areas that need more attention without neglecting the rest of me.  I appreciate her taking the time to find out what has been happening and what is coming up with the rest of my life to further tailor Thai  yoga or massage, to support my lifestyle."


Frank Davis, amazing knower of life, of Cook on Thai Bodywork                                                                                  

"Margaret Harstad is a dedicated practitioner of Thai Bodywork. I am blessed to receive her work on a regular basis. I am convinced that Margaret's work with me has a very positive influence on my overall health and well being.  After a session with Margaret I always have a sense of being relaxed, energized and very present to the world around me. In addition to being a highly skilled practitioner, Margaret is a fun and spirited person who brings kindness and compassion through her craft."  


Mary Lou Tarvers, teacher of Duluth on Table Massage

"Margaret is the highest quality massage therapist of all time! She takes time to learn where on your body the trouble spots are located, sets the mood for peace and comfort in her massage room, and then transports you to another plane while working on those specific spots of discomfort/pain. With my several kinds of arthritis, Margaret has helped me function better and with truly less pain!
I would love a massage every day!"


Sara Morse, rider and skier and everything else of Duluth on Thai Bodywork

"I did two bike intensity sessions the last two days with no pain!!! NO PAIN!!!!!! 
Your hands are special and magical!!!!!!!!
I did PT today and found some weak wimpy issues that I need to get on, again.  With no pain it is much easier to do the pt drills!"

Thank you to all of these wonderful clients who have given their quotes. I really appreciate it.  I am thankful for you and for everyone else who has been walking down this road with me.  Some of you have been with me all twelve years!  Wow.  Also thank you to my other support systems in my learning and work, namely Hansi Johnson, Tae Harstad-Johnson ( my family who lets me continue to learn and grow ), Yoga North for hanging with me and all of my amazing teachers across the globe!