Understanding Shamanic Energy Work


Shamanic refers to the practices of ancient earth-based cultures found all over the world. Today, the term “shamanism” is often used to refer to a set of universal spiritual practices found in these cultures. Energy, which is made up of particles and waves, forms the basis of everything in the universe including our DNA and every cell in our body. Each one of us has a luminous energy field that surrounds us and ties into our bodies through our chakras and our brain. This energy field is the part of us that never dies.

Shamanic energy work is the practice of ancient interventions that provide the opportunity for healing through work on your luminous energy field. The work recognizes and considers wholeness as encompassing four levels: physical, emotional, soul, and spirit. Shamanic energy work influences the spirit or pure energetic level, which impacts the three levels below it. It can be the “missing piece” that assists people on their healing journey when they have been previously stuck, even after years of talk therapy and other traditional western practices.

Traumatic events from this life and from lives past, as well as patterns passed down to us from our ancestors, can create imprints of heavy energy in our luminous energy fields as well as cause soul loss. Heavy energy weighs us down emotionally and physically and can lead to pain and disease in the body. When a part of the soul flees in trauma (referred to as dissociation in the field of psychology), a wound is left behind. These wounds can cause us all kinds of turmoil, such as not being able to experience joy or unconsciously seeking to heal ourselves through our relationships. 

In her sessions, Gini draws on her knowledge and experience gained through deep personal practice and training in both Eastern and Western practices, including yoga, qigong, and shamanic healing. The shamanic healing methods Gini is trained in originated with the Inca in the Andes Mountains of South America and have been used for centuries. It is with the utmost respect and honoring of these traditions that Gini shares them with her clients.  

The intent of shamanic energy work is to help you move forward unencumbered by the past, living in this moment, free to experience life with newness. 

Indications shamanic energy WORK could be beneficial for you:

  • You just don’t feel like yourself

  • You feel stuck and unable to move forward

  • Traumatic events play over and over in your mind or in your dreams

  • You repeat the same patterns over and over again in life and can’t seem to get out of them

  • A piece of you feels missing

  • You carry heavy emotions from traumatic experiences or certain periods in your life

  • In certain situations, something seems to “take over” in you, and you can’t seem to control it

  • You experience unexplained physical pain

  • You fear you are next in line for a family illness or curse

What is a shamanic energy WORK session like?

A shamanic energy work session is 90-minutes long, but can be slightly shorter or longer depending on the interventions needed.

The session starts with a brief discussion of the client’s concerns, then the client lies fully clothed on a comfortable mat on the floor. The practitioner holds two acupressure points at the base of the client’s skull and guides the client into a deep, relaxed state. At this point, the practitioner determines through sensing what interventions are needed and begins the energy work, describing what she is doing and asking for any necessary permissions as she proceeds. Drumming and rattling are used throughout the session to assist in releasing heavy energy.

At the end of the session, a focused conversation about the client’s experience takes place, and the practitioner assigns any “homework” that the client can choose to do to assist in integrating the work into their daily experience.